Natural horsemanship means using the natural body language, herd dynamics and instincts of horses in training them.
The first step is for us humans to understand how horses think, behave and learn to use our own body language consciously around horses.
Horses are just reacting to their environment, they are a reflection of what you've done with them, so it's wrong to think they are born with their bad habits.
If the rider is not consciously using their body language or misunderstands the horse's signals, they can easily teach their horse bad habits, which can later turn into fights with the horse.
Clear communication, consistency, patience and going slow are the most important training priciples.
Being equal partners with the horse is not the goal here, remember, a 1,000 pound animal treating you as his equal can lead to dangerous situations.
Learn to understand how horses behave and learn to use your own body language in a conscious way.
Earning the horse's trust and respect takes a long time, more than just a few months.